
Thanks from Maureen

Jennie, one our bakers has received this email from her friend, Maureen, one of this months soldiers-


Oh my goodness I can't even BEGIN to tell you how excited everyone has been with the boxes of cookies. I have been begged for more of your orange cookies, and for someone's (can't remember who) peanut butter cookies. And I thought one girl was going to tackle me for the container of icing you sent with the cupcakes.

Tell everyone who has sent items THANK YOU! I and my Marines are LOVING them.


Like Christmas!!

I wanted to share part of an email we received.
"........the young soldier you’re sending cookies to this month has been ecstatic over each box—like Christmas! "


Thanks From Dr. Ed

part of an email I received....
"I did receive many packages filled with cookies and other treats from  Operation Baking Girls a few months ago. Needless to say, I wasn't able to eat  all the contents myself, so shared them with other soldiers in my unit. The  cookies were delicious, and much appreciated. On behalf of the soldiers of the  256th Combat Support Hospital, I wish to extend my sincerest appreciation to  your group for its kindness and consideration.  Thank you again for thinking of us here in Iraq."  Colonel Dr. Ed Deputy Commander for Clinical Services


From a Soldier's Mom

Received for Laura "Hi and Good- Morning to you!!! We'll, just a Great BIG THANK YOU to everyone form Rob and his friends in South Korea! They received 20 boxes of cookies, and muffins. He said the muffins were the only bakery that was not in good condition when they arrived. Everything else was great and he and his friends said they were so happy!!!!Please pass this on to the cookie girls, With Sincere thanks, A Grateful Soldier and his Mom!!!"